Welcome To

My Development Studio

I`m Nazmul Hossain , I have 3 years experience in Frelancing of Web Designer and 2 years experience in Back-end Development (PHP Laravel) . I am warking at a IT Company (Uthsov.com) as a Developer. If your looking for a Web Developer to build Website, Then you are in the right place.

My Services

Website Design

I will create a responsive website design using HTML, CSS, javascript and jQuery. It will be fully responsive. Pixel-perfect code and fresh hand code are my power. If you have any design or idea I can make it a website.

Website Development

I will develop a website by PHP, Laravel, Mysql, jQuery and Ajax. Develop E-commerce website, Business, Protfolio, Blog, and Etc Website. If you have any demo or idea I can make it a website..............

Web App Development

I will develop a web Application or website by Java, Spring, Angular Mysql and HTML, CSS and jQuery. Develop Hospital, Business web Application and others. If you have any demo or idea I can make it a Web Application.

My Protfolio Projects

Developed by Laravel

Developed by Laravel

Design by HTML

Design by HTML

Developed by Laravel

Developed by Laravel

Developed by PHP

Developed by Laravel

Developed by Laravel

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